Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cindy and Chris arrival in new zealand -2 13 10

We have followed Mike and Carolyn's departure a week later-- they are currently  in the south island.
       Our arrival was so wonderful after a long flight leaving two feet of snow to come to shorts and t-shirt weather!
        We started our drive up  to the northern parts of the north island where we will spend about 10 days.  Our first stop is Whangerei where we are staying with Mike and Liz Williams through the ITHF rotary fellowship-- they are wonderful and their home is beautiful.
  We chatted for quite a while then liz fixed us a wonderful dinner and we could hardly keep awake so we fell asleep about 8:00 pm

Sunday, February 14th-- Happy valentines day!
what a wonderful day-- mike and liz took us on a hike to Whangerei falls and then we  walked back into town-- about 4miles total-- we lunched at an outdoor cafe over looking the harbor, drove into city center and viewed a lookout.
     They then hosted  our first rotary barbecue with several of their friends- including the incoming DG who just got back from Sandiego and is all pumped up as well as incoming president and a few other couples-- we sampled quite a bit of wonderful new zealand wine and finally by 10:0 pm we couldnt keep our eyes opened and they all told us to go to bed!  This district is north of where our friendship exchange is going to be and the incoming president is interested in maybe doing a smaller friendship exchange with us in the next year-- so that could be pretty fun!
     This morning Mike and Liz are taking us to a bird sanctuary then chris and I will head farther north.

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